
The Herd

To the health of the handlers in the sheep secure against Q fever, the sheep are vaccinated against it and registered with the Ministry.

The herd (130 sheep) consists rare huisdierras Drenthe heath sheep. This is the oldest breed of Europe. The breed wrong in trouble because it is not economic and it is also difficult for the grazing.

They are used for training and competition and it takes a lot of time and selection to get a homogeneous herd, suitable for training and competitions.

Especially for competitions, it is important that throughout the day taken, each sheep receives an equivalent torque.

This herd, thanks to the excellent condition of the sheep and great care for the sheep also quietly deployed for large outruns and drives, so we plan a race never have to think: "The sheep to this'. Also, the number of times run, taking into account the number of flocks, is not a problem,

Een belangrijke factor is dat we een gesloten circuit hebben, zodat we nooit schapen van derden hoeven toevoegen, zodat we geen dier gezondheids problemen hebben

On the NK. Promotion 2007 then the sheep have also been shown because they are 70 starters cope.

According to the jury: Tjisse Terpstra was no difference between the couples from early in the morning or in late afternoon. This herd and the knowledge of BC Zwolle ensure that everyone can run a good course in Zwolle and never “the sheep is”.

The conclusion is therefore that experience and not the number of sheep, taken in the ratio, is most important but the ability of the sheep. This means, in practice, (also economically) you have a whole day game can run with plm. 14 couples (70 sheep) because they have a break of at least 2 hours between runs.